How to build a messaging matrix?

Have you ever wanted to explain your brand strategy in a way that it would really resonate with different customer groups? Or provide much-needed information and encourage cooperative behaviours of your employees? Or communicate well-constructed, informative, and reassuring messages to your investors? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then your company could …

The art of naming

Having involved in many verbal identity projects, I must admit, naming is a deceptively difficult task. Most people (even some branding professionals) might think that naming a product or a company should be as easy as naming a pet or a child. Unfortunately, that is far from the truth. Why? Finding a strategically good name …

Path to happiness

Recently, I am reading Prof. Barry Scwartz’s book “The Paradox of Choice”. He teaches social theory and social action.  In this book, he did a stellar job explaining how “the freedom to choose everything” makes you eventually less happy. Western societies, particularly North American ones, are built on the premise that people should have the freedom of choice. The …