You Are Where You Visit: A Psychological Guide to Destination Preferences

Imagine you're visiting a bustling city you've never been before. You have multiple options: You could visit the vibrant arts district of the city, buzzing with galleries, theaters, and street performers. Another option is to go to an idyllic park, perfect for reading or a quiet stroll. Alternatively, you can go to the heart of …

Why One Size Does Not Fit All in Place Branding?

Discover why cities, like people, have their own "innovation personalities." Whether they're trailblazing Innovators or cautious Late Majority, each city navigates change in unique ways. Dive into how diffusion of innovation theory merges with place branding, giving cities archetypal identities that evoke specific emotional responses. This is essential reading for policymakers and brand strategists looking to pinpoint their city's place in the global innovation landscape.

Show, Don’t Tell: The Key to Effective Communication for Places

Tired of bureaucratic jargon and confusing messages from your local government? Dive into our latest article to discover a game-changing antidote: "Show, Don't Tell." We reveal how municipalities like Izmir are replacing abstract statistics with relatable visuals and language that resonate with their citizens. Find out how this two-part approach—comprising vivid imagery and the AGL-4 framework—can rebuild eroded public trust and make civic communication truly effective.

Overcoming the Logo Tunnel Vision in Place Branding: Lessons from Failed Projects

This article critically examines the phenomenon of 'Logo Tunnel Vision', a tendency among decision-makers to focus heavily on logo design when attempting to rebrand a place, often neglecting other crucial aspects of place branding. The article illustrates this concept through the case studies of Montreal and South Australia, both of which faced significant public backlash after expensive rebranding initiatives centred on their logos. Drawing parallels to the systemic problems in sustainability initiatives and how society tends to tunnel vision on singular aspects, the article encourages decision-makers to look beyond just the aesthetic elements of branding. It advises leaders to prioritize improvements in public diplomacy, progressive policies, infrastructure, and quality of life. The article also suggests practical strategies to avoid 'Logo Tunnel Vision', emphasizing the importance of stakeholder engagement, continuous communication, image research, progressive policies, and managing public expectations. The author concludes that with a holistic, strategic, and inclusive approach to place branding, it is possible to achieve effective and long-lasting results.

Will AI steal your job?

an artificial intelligence illustration on the wall

As the fear of AI stealing jobs grows, it's important to consider the mindset of the clients who will rely on these tools. Just like how many of us prefer hiring specialists despite having access to DIY tutorials, not everyone has the mindset, time, or interest to master AI tools. As a knowledge worker, your advantage lies in understanding your clients' needs, asking the right questions, and providing professional results. By keeping pace with AI developments, you can offer the best of both worlds: the creativity of a human brain and the efficiency of AI, reassuring your clients that they're in capable hands. Embracing AI advancements and using them to your advantage will ensure your irreplaceability in the ever-changing landscape.

Different or Distinctive: Which Should Your Brand Be?

Explore the intricate relationship between differentiation and distinctiveness in branding. Navigate the delicate balance between creating an instant, eye-catching brand identity (distinctiveness) and delivering meaningful uniqueness (differentiation). Successful branding harnesses the synergy of both within the unique competitive landscape. Break away from 'either-or' scenarios and shape your brand to be remembered, analyzed, and understood.

Cultural Evolution: How Institutions Can Adapt and Thrive in the 21st Century

woman sitting on ottoman in front of three paintings

I first noticed this disturbing trend 15 years ago. My then-client Canadian Bar Association’s membership numbers were going down… Rapidly and steadily! Upon research, we realized that their century-old value proposition was no longer relevant. Data suggested that young lawyers did not “age into” greater concerns about their profession. Instead, their priorities were much different. Having …